Tuesday, October 10, 2017

Why Did US Lose The Vietnam War ???

Here is an analysis by Robert Freeman:

For all of the self-satisfied voyeurism surrounding the Vietnam War, it’s hard to find a concrete idea about why the U.S. lost. For more than a decade, the U.S. had declared that it would not let Vietnam fall to the communists. Yet, Vietnam fell to the communists. Why?

The absence of a clear explanation is not an accident. None of the institutions that led the U.S. into the War or prosecuted the War want to be tarred with having lost the War. They would rather its loss be left ambiguous, murky.  Or worse, blamed on others.

But in fact, there are very specific, concrete reasons why the U.S. lost the War. If we are to ever reach a true peace about the War - and certainly, if we are to ever stop repeating its mistakes and continuing to lose newer wars - it is essential that we understand why the U.S. lost.

You can read the rest @

Is he right? I dunno.

But I do know that both then and now we are trying to force people all over the world to become like us, and many of them don't want to be like us.

Maybe we should just leave them alone, and I mean REALLY leave them alone, to determine their own futures.

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