Monday, October 9, 2017

Antibiotic Apocalypse ???

According to this report antibiotic resistance is spreading rapidly, even for the drug of last resort:

British and US researchers are proving alarm: A new trend shows that the resistance to the antibiotic drug colistin has spread rapidly in the past 18 months: In a region of China researchers have found that already 25 percent of the hospital patients bacteria with the gene mcr-1. This gene neutralizes the effect of colistin. Colistin is the last hope and is prescribed for diseases if a patient has already shown resistance to other antibiotics.

The Guardian quotes Sally Davies, the UK's top health care spokesman, "The world is an antiobiotics apocalypse." If action is not taken quickly and new antibiotics are developed, operations or infections could be fatal.

You can read the rest @ [translation required]

And in the US, the epidemic of hepatitis A is spreading in California:

Granted, homeless camps and prisons are notoriously unsanitary places, but perhaps if the US did not have so many homeless people and prisoners this would not be such a problem.

The US seems to be rapidly turning into a "fragile state". Are we also on the road to being a FAILED STATE? Only time will tell, but you can read about the indicators here and decide for yourself:

By the way, do you still think our bloated military budget is a good investment? I don't. We've got a country to save, and it's not Afghanistan or Israel.

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