Wednesday, May 17, 2017

In The Name Of The Greater Good

A new bill, HR 1313, has been introduced by North Carolina Congresswoman Virginia Foxx which is designed to give employers absolute power over the employee by mandating whatever they deem to be proper "heath prevention" measures. These measures would include submitting DNA records as well as mandatory vaccinations and other perceived "health preventive" measures designed for the "greater good" of the general public. The result of not complying with this new law of course would be losing your job.

This kind of legislation thus gives large corporations government-like political status and god-like powers over the individual and further widens the gap between the rich and poor. But even more importantly this kind of legislation strips away intimate individual medical privacy and further solidifies the global control grid being created by the ruling elite as they attempt to complete their new world order plans of permanent human enslavement. No need to imagine how this "future" new world order enslavement will look like anymore. We're seeing it all being rolled out in real-time and in broad daylight for the world to see.

You can read the rest @

How do you spell t-y-r-a-n-n-y? Mandatory vaccination is human experimentation without informed consent.

Should there be a Second US Revolution, crap like this ought to be its target.

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