Friday, March 11, 2016

The Sea Island Conspiracy

Here is another timely essay by Pat Buchanan:

We talk about the "deep state" in Turkey and Egypt, the unseen regimes that exist beneath the public regime and rule the nation no matter the president or prime minister.

What about the "deep state" that rules us, of which we caught a glimpse at Sea Island?

A diligent legislature of a democratic republic would have long since dragged America’s deep state out into the sunlight.

You can read the rest @

But we don't have a diligent legislature, and we are no longer a democratic republic (if we ever were). We are ruled by oligarchs, bankgangsters, corporate CEOs, and their collaborators in the one percent.

And don't you forget it.

So take your daily ration of soylent green, go back to your hovel, and shut up.

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