Saturday, January 23, 2016

Our Unaccountable Military

The Pentagon has no idea how many of our weapons have gone to ISIS:

For more than a decade, the United States has supplied huge quantities of weapons and military hardware to the Iraqi government—and a large chunk of that equipment has disappeared and landed in the hands of ISIS fighters and members of Iranian-backed Shiite militias responsible for massacring civilians. Everything from M-16s and bullets to Humvees and tanks have been lost. But neither the US nor Iraqi governments can say how much US-supplied materiel has been diverted to militant groups or how it's ending up there.

You can read the rest @

In fact, they have no idea what has happened to much of the money Congress has given to them:

If you thought the botched rollout of Obamacare, the government shutdown, or the sequester represented Washington dysfunction at its worst, wait until you hear about the taxpayer waste at the Defense Department.

Special Enterprise Reporter Scot Paltrow unearthed the “high cost of the Pentagon’s bad bookkeeping” in a Reuters investigation. It amounts to $8.5 trillion in taxpayer money doled out by Congress to the Pentagon since 1996 that has never been accounted for. (The year 1996 was the first that the Pentagon should have been audited under a law requiring audits of all government departments. Oh, and by the way, the Pentagon is the only federal agency that has not complied with this law.)

You can read the rest @

Next time you start to think our military is protecting our freedoms, think again.

Here's an excerpt from my novella No More Patriots (

It was clear that our nation would continue to be the world’s largest prisoner of war camp, since we all were prisoners of the military-industrial-information complex which had no intention of ever setting us free.

Considering that much of this money vanished under the watchful eye of Rabbi Dov Zakheim (who according to some is an alleged 9/11 conspirator), I suggest that we refrain from giving any more money or weapons to Israel until the losses have been accounted for and paid back to the US Treasury.

By the way, the current US official national debt is $19 trillion. This missing Pentagon money represents near 45% of our total debt.

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