Sunday, October 18, 2015

Vietnam Actually LOST War With US

In 1975 the people of Vietnam successfully ended one of the longest and bloodiest anti-colonial wars in world-history – defeating the US, the world’s biggest imperial power, after 20 years of struggle.

Barely forty years later the Vietnamese regime signed off on the US-Japanese dominated Trans-Pacific Free Trade Agreement (TPFTA), which essentially converted Vietnam into a vassal state.

Vietnam has gone full circle: From a neo-colony ruled by puppet dictators backed by an American occupation army involving 500,000 troops from 1955-1975, to its current ‘Communist’ rulers who have turned-over its markets, industries, ports, resources and labor to the 500 largest Western and Asian multi-national corporations.

You can read the rest @

The same thing will happen to Cuba.

And the extreme irony is that those of us who lost our lives, limbs, health, sons and daughters, moms and dads, and most of our wealth fighting the Vietnamese have been betrayed and sold out to corporations by "our" Congress just as today's Vietnamese have been sold out by theirs.

War is a racket, and the suckers never learn.

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