Friday, October 23, 2015

John McCain Betrays US Military Again

While lawmakers seem to have no problem finding funds for bombs fighter jets and terrorists in Syria and Iraq, it seems that it is much more difficult for them to find money to pay American soldiers for their service and pay for their healthcare once that service is over.

This is because Congressional Defense leaders on Tuesday announced that they are looking to enact more “entitlement and personnel reforms” in 2016.

The bill being submitted and debated by Congress would provide a much lower than anticipated pay raise for U.S. troops beginning in January 2016. It includes cuts in the growth of military housing stipends, an introduction of new co-pays for some military drug prescriptions and a scale-down of the commissary benefit.

The bill also includes changes to the traditional military retirement system and an overhaul of military healthcare offerings like Tricare.

You can read the rest @

He betrayed his fellow pilots, he betrayed his fellow prisoners at Hanoi Hilton, he betrayed the victims of US torture, and now he is betraying our remaining servicemen and women.

If his actions don't constitute treason, then what does?

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