Sunday, September 13, 2015

The Secret Cheney Operation On 9/11

Although I mention it two days late, this 40 minute podcast is still worth your time:

Many of us lament the fact that "our" government no longer seems to follow the US Constitution. It is quite possible that the implementation of Continuity of Government measures (the Doomsday Project) is the reason for this.

Face it ... the US Constitution has been suspended. How do we get it back?

The saddest part here is that Professor Scott is one of the few people who have investigated COG. When he's gone, will anyone take up his work? I doubt it.

By the way, what Hillary did while SOS is very similar to what Scott is talking about. By setting up a separate, independent, secret communication network (her "private" server), she attempted to prevent We The People and our Congress from learning what she was doing. Is she now being "excused" for destroying her official emails because they were somehow related to COG measures?

It is imperative that the FBI or other appropriate law enforcement agency root out these "private" networks and shut them down. Whether or not they are illegal, they certainly are NOT what We The People expect from our elected officials.

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