Monday, May 25, 2015

US Teens Are Summoning The Devil

The latest topic to create some commotion on Twitter has teens trying to summon a demon named Charlie.

The Charlie Charlie Challenge surfaced Thursday on Twitter and has gone viral across social media platforms.

The challenge includes putting two pencils on a piece of paper in the shape of a cross. The words “yes” and “no” are written in boxes outlined by the pencils. Then the participants say “Charlie, Charlie are you here?”

Social media users have been uploading videos “summoning” Charlie.

Apparently no one, including the teens involved, sees anything really wrong with this.

If you summon the devil, he will come.

Say goodbye to the America we once knew and loved. It is becoming Satan's Kingdom. Perhaps the people of North Korea know what they're talking about when they claim that life in the US is a "living hell":

Update: Finally ... a priest speaks up about the danger of what these teens are doing:

Note, however, that he is pretty far down on the ladder of the church.

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