Sunday, May 31, 2015

5 Reasons Why We As A Nation Are Done

(1) Big US and Global Banks have admitted (that is, have been convicted) of multiple criminal offenses over the last several years.

(2) We have a medical and insurance industry in this country that routinely, on a daily basis, engages in behavior that can easily be described as meeting the criteria for fraud, bid-rigging, racketeering and routinely uses the threat of both bankruptcy and violence by government goons to get what it wants.

(3) We have a former Secretary of State who now wants to be President but while Secretary of State her private family foundation took tens of millions of dollars in donations from foreign governments that were, at the same time, lobbying the very State Department she was in charge of for permission to buy over a hundred billion dollars worth of weapons.

(4) We have law enforcement agencies that actually claim in court through filed, sworn documents that when they throw a bomb into a baby's crib as they attempt to raid a house and the person they are seeking isn't there (because they didn't bother to confirm he was there), leading to the infant being critically injured, that it is the infant's fault that its face was blown off because it failed to move out of the way of said thrown bomb while it was sleeping in its crib.

(5) We have entire legislatures that engage with lobbyists to let them write and vote on laws they then rubber stamp.

Until and unless we at least resolve all five of the above, and everyone involved wears an orange jumpsuit and has their corporate and institutional edifices closed down with the ill-gotten gains disbursed back to their victims we are, as a nation, DONE.

He's very right. And you know damn well that none of the above will ever be brought to justice.

Say bye-bye.

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