Thursday, January 22, 2015

Why Is Privacy Dead ???

Although you and I are prohibited from hearing what's going on at the World Economic Forum in Davos, CH there are some "leaks" taking place. Here is one such alleged leak:

Imagine a world where mosquito-sized robots fly around stealing samples of your DNA. Or where a department store knows from your buying habits that you're pregnant even before your family does.

That is the terrifying dystopian world portrayed by a group of Harvard professors at the World Economic Forum in Davos on Thursday, where the assembled elite heard that the notion of individual privacy is effectively dead.

"Welcome to today. We're already in that world," said Margo Seltzer, a professor in computer science at Harvard University.

"Privacy as we knew it in the past is no longer feasible... How we conventionally think of privacy is dead," she added.

Another Harvard researcher into genetics said it was "inevitable" that one's personal genetic information would enter more and more into the public sphere.

If privacy is dead, it is precisely because these professors and their ilk have whored themselves out to the oligarchs who attend Davos, and the two groups are working together to destroy our privacy for their personal enrichment.

I don't need the kind of electronic shit currently being produced by them in offshore sweatshop factories. I don't want it. I don't want others to force me to buy it or to use it.

And I certainly don't want anyone to steal my data.

The rationale for what is happening here is the equivalent of the "Doctrine of Discovery" which European invaders used to steal the Americas and other lands from their inhabitants. The Conquistadors of Davos have "discovered" all this data which they say no one knew about and which they maintain no one owns. They therefore feel empowered to take it for themselves through a process of discovery.

If the natives of the Americas had known what would happen to them, they should have repulsed every European expedition which landed on their shores. Isn't it time for us to tell the thugs who meet in Davos that we don't want the way of life (i.e., death) they have in store for us?

If you know what's good for you, you will heed the advice of the Shawnee prophet Tenskwatawa, who was the brother of Tecumseh:

And so you see what has happened to us. We were fools to take all these things that weakened us. We did not need them then, but we believe we need them now. We turned our backs on the old ways. Instead of thanking Weshemoneto for all we used to have, we turned to the white men and asked them for more. So now we depend upon the very people who destroy us! This is our weakness! Our corruption! Our Creator scolded me, “If you had lived the way I taught you, the white men could never have got you under their foot!”

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