Thursday, July 31, 2014

What Draws Somali Youth To Foreign Militant Groups ???

This essay asks why Somali-American youth are leaving the US to join foreign militant groups:

I think we should be asking a different series of questions:
  • What caused people to immigrate to America and fight in our revolution?
  • What caused Davy Crockett and the Kentuckians to join the fight at the Alamo?
  • What caused slaves to leave the South and join the Union Army?
  • What caused the members of the Abraham Lincoln Brigade to fight in Spain?
  • What caused Americans and others to join the RAF during the Battle of Britain?

Somewhere in the answers to these questions lies the concept of right and wrong. People fight for what is right ... and to defeat what is wrong.

And clearly these Somalis believe that what the US is doing is wrong and have the courage to fight for what they believe is right.

And that is something the FBI is never going to understand.

Update: Stratfor has published a report about this phenomenon, and you can read it here (if you register first):

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