Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Congress Would Rather Accept An Illegal War Than Impeach A President

Here is an excellent, timely report about the impeachment discussions held prior to the last Iraq war:

Professor Boyle said to former Attorney General Ramsey Clark on the way out of the building after the two hour debate:

"Ramsey, I don’t understand it. Why didn’t those people take me up on my offer to stick around, polish up my draft bills of impeachment, and put them in there right away in order to head off this war?

“And Ramsey replied: ‘I think most of the people there want a war.’"

And that, folks, helps put the lie to calling the Iraq War a "mistake". Congress willingly chose to accept that criminal war and excuse the thugs who started it.

Why? For political gain. They destroyed a nation and murdered all those Iraqis for political gain.

And that's also why they're allowing a tidal wave of immigration across our southern border which will destroy this nation: for political gain. You and I don't mean shit to these people.

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