Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Are O's Nuke Fears Rational ???

Today Obama ad-Dajjal told the world what he is afraid of:


If Obama ad-Dajjal is worried about a loose nuke being detonated in NYC, who is feeding this fear to him? Is this fear of his rational, or is it as nutty as his delusional beliefs about the success of the ObamaDon'tCare Program?

Or could this have been a Freudian slip on his part?

As I suggested in a previous post, should a nuclear 9/11 actually take place it most likely will be another false-flag attack engineered by the United States during Capstone Exercise 2014:


According to the White House website, Capstone Exercise 2014 is scheduled for March 27 - April 3, 2014, with the Nuclear Weapon Accident/Incident Exercise (NUWAIX 2014) due to take place on March 31:


Hopefully Obama ad-Dajjal's nuclear "fear" stems from a preoccupation with NUWAIX 2014 and NOT from an awareness there will be an actual nuclear detonation during this major exercise.

I certainly hope that I am wrong about this, but if I'm not ... heaven help us all.

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