Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Living In A Dumpster

A college professor here in Austin, Texas is planning to spend a year living in a dumpster:

For some reason I have a feeling that many of us will be living this way sooner or later. Several trends point in this direction:
  • The human population is growing;
  • The available food supply is dwindling;
  • Our water resources are drying up;
  • Our waste is piling up;
  • Our governments are going broke;
  • Our jobs are disappearing; and
  • Nation states are morphing into market states.

The global ruling class and their accomplices in the one percent will continue to accumulate and hog all the best remaining resources, leaving less and less for the rest of us. At some point, the only choice that will be left for the rest of us will be to go off the grid, fall through the safety net, and go into the wild or live on the streets.

In anticipation of that day, here are a few websites that can help you prepare:

I would add the following advice to what is listed in all of the above: When you're a taxpayer, the police may be your friend (especially if you have lots of loot). When you are jobless and homeless, the police are your enemy.

Once upon a time you dressed so fine. You threw the bums a dime in your prime, didn't you?

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