Friday, November 29, 2013

One of the symbolic reasons for World War Two

Apollo brings light, Apollyon brings darkness.

Bringing the sun and the moon together produces a solar eclipse ... the darkness which Apollyon represents.

China is the land of the moon, while Japan is the land of the rising sun. Uniting the two, by war or by peaceful means, could result in the rise of Apollyon. The United States does not want this to happen, except under conditions favorable to us.

So, we prevented Japan from conquering China, and we brought them to their knees.

Then we dropped two atomic bombs (miniature versions of the sun) on Japan to show them (and the world) that WE control the sun ... not Japan. And ever since, we have kept the two apart and encouraged them to fight each other.

That's what this current "air defense zone" baloney is all about ... to keep the moon from uniting with the sun.

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