Monday, August 19, 2013

A race baiting Harpy for President ???

Apparently Hillary the Harpy has started her 2016 campaign with the sort of race baiting that Obama ad-Dajjal has been serving us since he became President:

This approach of hers is reminiscent of the following premise from the Vietnam War era:

We have to destroy the village in order to save it.

Mrs. Clinton's entire political career (starting with her Wellesley College commencement speech) has been based upon the logic of destruction; the belief that the entire fabric of American society must be torn apart and replaced with a new fabric of her weaving:

Note well that she started her commencement speech by saying she was speaking for everyone in her class - all 400 of them. I think she still believes that she speaks for everyone, and that anyone who doesn't agree with her needs to be swept out the way and/or crushed into nothingness.

Please don't EVER vote for this person. We need healing, not more digging into old wounds. Anyone who would start their campaign with an act of race or gender baiting is not worthy to be our President.

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