Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Fear, distrust, and envy

Good essay by Andrew Bacevich:

How can "we" run the world when we can’t even get "our" own house in order? Buried somewhere in the answer to this question is the mystery of the definition of “we/our”.

The powers that be are working to get their house in order. They truly do not give a shit about the house in which the rest of us live. They are retreating behind barricades which will protect them and their stolen riches, while the rest of us will have to fight tooth and nail for the scraps they have left behind.

Our wealth (i.e., that which should belong to the peoples of the world) funds the lavish lifestyles of the ruling class (actually the one percent of the one percent of the one percent; roughly 7,000 people rule the world). Their strategy is working out just fine ... for them. Our acquiescence is what is killing the rest of us.

How can 7,000 conquer 7 billion? DIVIDE AND RULE. It worked for the Romans, and the British, and now the Americans. It goes something like this:

I have a fool proof method for controlling your slaves. I guarantee everyone of you that if installed correctly it will control the slaves for at least 300 years. My method is simple. Any member of your family or your overseer can use it. I have outlined a number of differences among the slaves; and I take these differences and make them bigger. I use fear, distrust, and envy for control purposes. These methods have worked on my modest plantation in the West Indies and it will work throughout the South. Take this simple little list of differences, and think about them.

The method outlined above supposedly was devised by the slave owner William Lynch. Even if it was not, this is the method currently employed against us today: the use of fear, distrust, and envy for control purposes. The ruling class has set whites upon blacks, women against men, young against old, gay against straight, the middle class against the poor, natural born against immigrants. Every single possible recognizable difference has been identified, publicized, vilified, and turned upon all of us to keep us apart. Why? To divide and rule.

Read the news coverage in general and the comments people make to and about each other on the Internet. What will you find? Widespread division and disrespect. The method is working.

Who are the slaves being controlled in this manner today? Each and every one of us. What can we do about it? Possibly nothing. The tools of the 7,000 are too powerful, while the tools of the 7 billion are clearly too weak.

The remedy, if one is ever devised, will come from acceptance and atonement, not from revenge. Yes, somewhere along the line the 7,000 will have to give up their wealth. But what would be more just: starve the 7,000 or starve the 7 billion? That should be a no-brainer, but apparently the 7 billion no longer have brains, or courage, or whatever it is that will be necessary to devise and implement such a remedy.

No, Mr. Bacevich, the strategy is working just fine. It's just that it's not OUR strategy.

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